James D.

James D. Herbsleb

Professor, School of Computer Science
Head, Software and Societal Systems Department
Carnegie Mellon University

Selected Papers

(for a complete list, see Vita )

Current research projects
Architecting Socio-Technical Ecosystems
Coordination and the Limits of Modularity
Sharing and Co-creation of Scientific Software

Past research projects

Defect Occurrence Prediction
Software Process

Architecting Socio-Technical Ecosystems
For a description of this research area click here.

Tsay, J., Dabbish, L., & Herbsleb, J.  (2014). Let's Talk About It: Evaluating Contributions Through Discussion in GitHub.  To appear, ACM International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Hong Kong. 

Tsay, J., Dabbish, L., & Herbsleb, J.  (2014).  Influence of Social and Technical Factors for Evaluating Contribution in GitHub.  In proceedings, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), (pp. 356-366), Hyderabad, India. (pdf)

Marlow, J., Dabbish, L., & Herbsleb, J. (2013). Impression formation in online peer production: activity traces and personal profiles in github, Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 117-128). San Antonio, TX. (pdf)

Müller-Birn, C., Dobusch, L., & Herbsleb, J. D. (2013). Work-to-rule: the emergence of algorithmic governance in Wikipedia. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Munich, Germany. (pdf)

Towne, W. B., Kittur, A., Kinnaird, P., & Herbsleb, J. (2013). Your process is showing: controversy management and perceived quality in wikipedia, Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 1059-1068). San Antonio, TX. (pdf)

Daniel, S., Maruping, L., Cataldo, M., Herbsleb, J.  (2012).  When Cultures Clash: Participation in Open Source Communities and Its Implications For Organizational Commitment.  International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China. (pdf)

Towne, W. B., & Herbsleb, J. D. (2012). Design Considerations for Online Deliberation Systems. Journal of Information Technology and Politics 9(1), 97-115. (pdf)

Ramasubbu, N., Cataldo, M., Balan, R. K. and Herbsleb, J. (2011). Configuring Global Software Teams: A Multi-Company Analysis of Productivity, Quality, and Profits. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Honolulu, HI, pp. 261-270.  (ACM Distinguished Paper award) (pdf)

Cataldo, M. and Herbsleb, J. D. (2011). Factors leading to integration failures in global feature-oriented development: an empirical analysis. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Honolulu, HI, pp. 161-170. (pdf)

Wagstrom, P., Mockus, A., Herbsleb, J.D., & Kraut, R.E. (2010). The Impact of Commercial Organizations on Volunteer Participation in an Online Community.  Academy of Management Conference. (pdf)

Gurbani, V.K., Garvert, A., & Herbsleb, J.D. (2010). Managing a Corporate Open Source Software Asset. Communications of the ACM, 53, 2, pp. 155-159. (pdf)

Wagstrom, P. (2009). Vertical Interaction in Open Software Engineering Communities. PhD Thesis, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, May, 2009.  (pdf)

Espinosa, A., Slaughter, S., Kraut, R., & Herbsleb, J. (2007). Familiarity, Complexity and Team Performance in Geographically Distributed Software Development. Organization Science, July-August,18, pp. 613 – 630. (pdf)

Espinosa, J. A., Slaughter, S. A., Kraut, R. E., & Herbsleb, J. D. (2007). Team Knowledge and Coordination in Geographically Distributed Software Development. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24, 1, pp. 5 – 12. (pdf)

Gurbani, V.K., Garvert, A., & Herbsleb, J.D. (2006). A Case study of a corporate open source development model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, Shanghai, China, May 20-25, pp. 472-481. (pdf)

Mullick, N., Bass, M., Houda, Z., Sangwan, R., Paulish, D., Cataldo, M., Herbsleb, J., & Bass, L. (2006). Siemens Global Studio Project: Experiences adopting an integrated GSD infrastructure. In Proceedings, International Conference on Global Software Engineering, pp.203-212. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J., Paulish, D.J., & Bass, M. (2005). Global software development at Siemens: Experience from nine projects. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), St. Louis, MO, May 15-21, pp. 524-533. (pdf)

Wagstrom, P., Herbsleb, J., & Carley, K. (2005). A Social network approach to free/open source software simulation. In Proceedings, First International Conference on Open Source Systems, Genoa, Italy, July 11-15. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D. & Mockus, A. (2003). An empirical study of speed and communication in globally-distributed software development. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29, 3, 1-14. (pdf)

Espinosa, J. A., Kraut, R.E., Slaughter, S. A., Lerch, J. F., Herbsleb, J. D., & Mockus, A. (2002). Shared mental models, familiarity, and coordination: A multi-method study of distributed software teams. International Conference in Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December 15-18, pp. 425-433.

Mockus, A., Fielding, R., & Herbsleb, J.D. (2002). Two case studies of open source software development: Apache and Mozilla. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 11, 3, pp. 309-346. (pdf)

Espinosa, J. A., Kraut, R.E., Slaughter, S. A., Lerch, J. F., Herbsleb, J. D., & Mockus, A. (2001). Shared mental models and coordination in large-scale, distributed software development. In Proceedings, International Conference in Information Systems, New Orleans, LA, December 16- 19. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D., Mockus, A., Finholt, T.A., & Grinter, R.E. (2001). An empirical study of global software development: Distance and speed. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May 15-18, pp. 81-90.  (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D., & Moitra, D. (2001). Global software development. IEEE Software, March/April, 16-20. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D., Mockus, A., Finholt, T.A., & Grinter, R.E. (2000). Distance, dependencies, and delay in a global collaboration. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2-7, pp. 319-328. (pdf)

Mockus, A., Fielding, R.T., & Herbsleb, J. (2000). A case study of open source software development: The Apache server. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Limerick Ireland, June 5-7, pp. 263-272. (pdf)

Grinter, R.E., Herbsleb, J.D., & Perry, D.E. (1999). The geography of coordination: Dealing with distance in R&D work. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 99), Phoenix, AZ, November 14-17, pp. 306-315. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J. D., & Grinter, R. E. (1999). Architectures, coordination, and distance: Conway's Law and beyond. IEEE Software, Sept/Oct 1999, 63-70. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J. D., & Grinter, R. E. (1999). Splitting the organization and integrating the code: Conway's Law revisited. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, May 16-22, pp. 85-95. (pdf)

Coordination and the Limits of Modularity
For a description of this research area click here.

Sunshine, J., Herbsleb, J.D., & Aldrich, J. (2015). Searching the state space: a qualitative study of API protocol usability.  IEEE Conference on Program Comprehension, Florence, Italy, pp. 82-93. (pdf)

Sunshine, J., Herbsleb, J.D., & Aldrich, J. (2014). Structuring Documentation to Support State Search: A Laboratory Experiment about Protocol Programming.  In proceedings, ECOOP.  (pdf)

Cataldo, M., & Herbsleb, J. D. (2013). Coordination Breakdowns and Their Impact on Development Productivity and Software Failures. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 39(3), 343-360. (pdf)

Dabbish, L., Stuart, C., Tsay, J., & Herbsleb, J. (2013). Leveraging Transparency IEEE Software, 30(1), 37-43. (pdf)

Tsay, J., Dabbish, L., & Herbsleb, J. D. (2013). Social Media in Transparent Work Environments, Collaborative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (pp. 65-72). San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Dabbish, L., Stuart, C., Tsay, J. and Herbsleb, J. (2012). Social Coding in GitHub: Transparency and Collaboration in an Open Software Repository.  In Proceedings, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Seattle, WA, pp. 1277-1286. (pdf)

Wagstrom, P., Herbsleb, J.D., & Carley, K. (2010). Communication, Team Performance, and the Individual: Bridging Technical Dependencies. Academy of Management Conference. (Best Paper Award) (pdf)

Cataldo, M., Mockus, A., Roberts, J.A., & Herbsleb, J.D. (2009). Software Dependencies, Work Dependencies, and Their Impact on Failures. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 99, 864-878. (pdf)

Dekel, U. & Herbsleb, J.D. (2009). Improving API Documentation Usability with Knowledge Pushing. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, pp. 320-330. (pdf)

Sarma, A., Maccherone, L., Wagstrom, P., & Herbsleb, J. (2009). Tesseract: Interactive Visual Exploration of Socio-Technical Relationships in Software Development. In Proceedings, International Conference on Software Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, pp. 23-33. (pdf)

Cataldo, M. & Herbsleb, J.D. (2008). Communication networks in geographically distributed software development. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer- Supported Cooperative Work, San Diego, CA, Nov. 8-12, pp. 579-588. (pdf)

Dekel, U. & Herbsleb, J.D. (2008). Pushing relevant artifact annotations in collaborative software development. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, San Diego, CA, Nov. 8-12, pp. 1-4. (pdf)

Cataldo, M., Herbsleb, J.D., Carley, K.M. (2008). Socio-technical congruence: a framework for assessing the impact of technical and work dependencies on software development productivity. In Proceedings, Second ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Oct. 9-10, pp. 2-11. (ACM Distinguished Paper award) (pdf)

LaToza, T.D., Garlan D., Herbsleb J.D., & Myers, B.A. (2007). Program Comprehension as Fact-Finding, in proceedings of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 3-7, pp. 361-370. (pdf)

Dekel, U. & Herbsleb, J.D. (2007). Notation and Representation in Collaborative Object-Oriented Design, in Proceedings, OOPSLA 2007, pp. 261-280. (pdf)

Cataldo, M., Wagstrom, P., Herbsleb, J.D., Carley, K. (2006).
Identification of coordination requirements: Implications for the design of collaboration and awareness tools. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Banff Canada, pp. 353-362. (Best Paper Award).  (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D., Mockus, A., Roberts, J.A. (2006). Collaboration in Software Engineering Projects: A Theory of Coordination. International Conference on Information Systems, Milwaukee, WI. (Best in Track Award). (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D., & Mockus, A. (2003). Formulation and preliminary test of an empirical theory of coordination in software engineering. In Proceedings, European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Helsinki, Finland, September 1-5, pp. 112-121. (pdf)

Handel, M. & Herbsleb, J.D. (2002). What is Chat doing in the workplace? Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), New Orleans, LA, pp. 1-10. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J.D., Atkins, D.L., Boyer, D.G., Handel, M., & Finholt, T.A. (2002). Introducing Instant Messaging and Chat into the workplace. In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Minneapolis, MN, April 20-25, pp. 171-178. (pdf)

Mockus, A., & Herbsleb, J.D. (2002). Expertise Browser: A quantitative approach to identifying expertise. In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering, Orlando, FL, May 19-25, pp. 503-512. (pdf)

Colbert, R. O., Compton, D. S., Hackbarth, R. L., Herbsleb, J. D., Hoadley, L. A., & Wills, G. J. (2001). Advanced services: Changing how we communicate. Bell Labs Technical Journal, 6(1), Jan.-Jun., 211-228. (pdf)

Godefroid, P., Herbsleb, J.D., Jagadeesan, L.J., & Li, D. (2000). Ensuring privacy in presence awareness systems: An automated verification approach. In Proceedings, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2-7, pp. 59-68. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J. D. (1999). Metaphorical representation in collaborative software engineering. In Proceedings, International Joint Conference on Work Activities, Coordination, and Collaboration, San Francisco, CA, February 22-25, pp. 117-125. (pdf)

Herbsleb, J. D., Klein, H., Olson, G. M., Brunner, H., Olson, J. S., & Harding, J. (1995). Object-oriented analysis and design in software project teams. Human Computer Interaction, 10, 249-292. (pdf)

Sharing and Co-creation of Scientific Software

Trainer, E.H., Kalyanasundaram, A., Chaihirunkarn, C., & Herbsleb, J.D. (2016). How to Hackathon: Socio-technical Tradeoffs in Brief, Intensive Collocation.  ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media, San Francisco, CA. (pdf)

Trainer, E.H., Chaihirunkarn, C., Kalyanasundaram, A, Herbsleb, J.D. (2015). From Personal Tool to Community Resource: What's the Extra Work and Who Will Do It? ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Media (CSCW), Vancouver, B.C., pp. 417-430. (pdf)

Howison, J., Deelman, E., McLennan, M.J., da Silva, R.F., Herbsleb, J.D.  (2015).  Understanding the scientific software ecosystem and its impact: Current and future measures.  Research Evaluation, 2015, pp. 1-17. (pdf)

Trainer, E.H., Chaihirunkarn, C., Kalyanasundaram, A., Herbsleb, J.D.  (2014). Community Code Engagements: Summer of Code & Hackathons for Community Building in Scientific Software.  ACM Conference on Supporting Groupwork (GROUP), Sanibel Island, FL., pp. 111-121.

Howison, J., & Herbsleb, J. D. (2013). Incentives and integration in scientific software production, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 459-470). San Antonio, TX. (pdf)

Howison, J. and Herbsleb, J. D. (2011). Scientific software production: incentives and collaboration. In Proceedings, Computer-Supported Collaborative Work Hangzhou, China, pp. 513-522.

For a description of this research area click

Defect Occurrence Prediction

Li, P.L., Herbsleb, J., Shaw, M., & Robinson, B. (2006). Experiences and results from initiating field defect prediction and product test prioritization efforts at ABB Inc. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering, Shanghai, China, May 20-25, pp. 413-423. (pdf)

Li, P.L, Herbsleb, J., & Shaw, M. (2005). Forecasting field defect rates using a combined time-based and metrics-based approach: A case study of OpenBSD. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. (pdf)

Li, P. L., Herbsleb, J., & Shaw, M. (2005). Finding predictors of field defects for open source software systems in commonly available data sources: A case study of OpenBSD. In Proceedings, IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 19-22 September, Como, Italy. (pdf)

Li, P., Shaw, M., Herbsleb J., Ray, B., & Santhanam, P. (2004). Empirical evaluation of defect projection models for widely-deployed production software systems. In Proceedings, ACM Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. (pdf)

Software Process

Herbsleb, J. D., Zubrow, D., Goldenson, D., Hayes, W., & Paulk, M. (1997). Software quality and the capability maturity model. Communications of the ACM, 40, 30-40. (pdf)

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